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Contact Us

Contact us today for a consultation with one of our representatives to see how we can get started on your upcoming project!

Thank you for your inquiry. We will respond shortly!



New York


Address:261 Madison Ave 9th Floor New York, New York, 10016 

Office: +1-646-673-5741




Address: 113-102, Lavie zone, No.702 Shanhe Road, Chengyang district, Qingdao China

Office: 0086-13905326434 
Qingdao: 0086-0532-85830937 0086-0532-86123828




Contact Person:

Mr. Hongda : 0086-13963975935
Ms. Li: 0086-18661477861

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Important Memo:

Unfortunately, we have experienced other companies attempting to use our brand and images to scam our customers and potential customers. Please beware of messages or communications from unfamiliar sources, or emails not affiliated with Sydeco Acoustics, Fuyi Acoustics, or ones inconsistent with contact information on this page.

If you experienced this or any suspicious activity, please contact either one of our offices, and we will do everything in our power to protect your rights and profits.

Thank you for your understanding!


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